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John's Beekeeping Notebook

     A short autobiography of John Caldeira

By way of introduction, . . . .   

Current residence: Fiji Islands, South Pacific 

Born: 1955, in Florida.

Raised: Suburbs of New York City (Valley Stream & Yorktown Heights, New York, and Oakland, New Jersey).  Much of my adult life was enjoyed around Dallas, Texas.

Interests: Canoeing and kayak touring, building kayaks, snorkeling, chess, art appreciation, growing edible plants, and beekeeping.

Education: B.S. in Psychology (University of Bridgeport, Connecticut) and M.S. program in Industrial Engineering & Operations Research (State U. of New York at Buffalo). I am an American Canoe Association-certified coastal and open water kayaking instructor.

Work: Semi-retired.  For most of my career, I performed corporate financial planning and strategic analysis.  I have expertise in financial planning, decision and risk analysis, and agri-business development.


If you are a sea kayaker or beekeeper planning to visit Fiji, I'd like to hear from you!  I especially enjoy kayaking with skilled sea kayakers, and working bees with experienced beekeepers.


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